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May 19, 2007

Happiness And Health Are The Two Most Important Things In Life

Most of people are so busy these days for making money ,getting rich and put themselves under high pressure in their working life, for me those people are not that much happy in life...coz they watse many precious time of their days , forgetting that we live once not for eternity.

Most important things in life are health and happiness. These are two things which money can not buy. so we have to take more care of them to avoid loosing them, we should remember to get rest for our minds,souls and bodies , by many ways according to everyone's choice of resting and relaxing.

Minds,souls and bodies need some relaxation and so much care to maintain living and giving, if we feel we are in good health and in good shape that automatically leads to happiness if ur body is well you will feel happy.

something has changed with me the past few months and it made me so happy , i used to not have breakfast and eat so late before sleeping it was like one late meal at the end of the day i eat and sleep i thought coz i workout everyday that won't matter eating late , i thought it is still healthy , i used to have uncomfortable sleep and had many nightmares ( i know that may not be related of eating late) i felt im not well so i decided to change that silly habbit and started step by step to change it until im now for six month having good brea fast and healthy lunch and no late dinners i eat my last meal (lunch)( and take fruit as dinner if i feel hungry) 4 hours before sleeping i did manage that according my daily routines and schedule it is not easy at the beginning but it i worked hard to feel more well , healthy and light before sleeping plus continous daily exercises eating healthy food as much as i can , im taking more care of my health in order to feel happy and healthy.

so remind urself you can focus on many other important things in life more than making money only and remember after beeing so much tired for colloecting money we could spend it for treatment or at hospitals ....so whats the use? ..we have to be more rational and wise.

Give urself time in ur day saying what should i do to feed my happiness ? what should i do to feed my health?my soul,my heart,myself,my mind.....feed what ever you want to grow.

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