Aging started on the minute that we were born. Loving life and living it to the fullest is something that we should have done since the start. So how can we age with grace?
Exercise is something that we should to keep a body fit. It would also help us live a longer productive life. As we grow older, the body functions start to slow down. It is important to stay active. Exercise also improves the cardiovascular system or our heart. Exercise increases the heart rate and enable blood to flow smoothly to the heart.
For older adults there are low impact activities like walking, swimming, yoga at tai chi that can be done. These trainings will reduce the risk of falls and fractures even increase endurance and boost bone density.
The kind of activity that the person is doing is not only what is important. Activities or exercise should be done at least once a week. Research showed that participants aged 65 and older who exercised once a week reduced their risk of death by 40 percent compared to participants of the same age who did not exercise at all.
Also changing the diet is very important in living a healthy aging life. As people get older, there is a need for an increase level of certain nutrients. Nutrient deficiency appears to increase with age. Some nutrients that are lacking in older adults are folate; calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins D, E, B6, and C. Aside from these lacking nutrients, older adults also lack iron, zinc, riboflavin, and vitamins A and B12.
To change diet, the first thing to do is plan. Some people find it difficult to change their diet since they are used to unstable meal plans. Eating three healthy meals daily would require diet and daily meal plan. Diet for older people would require plenty of vegetables and fruits. Fibers are also necessary to keep cholesterol and sugar level down.
Dehydration is also another problem for older people. It is more difficult for them to know they are dehydrated because signals going to the brain signaling the need for water is no longer functioning properly. While there are older people who reduce their water intake to avoid trips to the bathroom.
Dehydration may lead to headaches, digestive problems, constipation and worse, kidney failure. Water intake should not be less than eight glasses a day. Take note of how much water you are taking in. You can add a squeeze of lemon or a little club soda if you are getting tired of drinking just ordinary water.
Not only our physicality is affected by aging but also out mental health. There are older people who experience mild impairment of thinking and memory. Because older people are no longer feeling or able to do the things that they were able to do before, many older adults become depressed.
Some symptoms of depression for older adults are social withdrawal, decreased activity with no apparent physical cause, loss of interest or pleasure in things previously enjoyed, loss of appetite, loss of weight, restlessness and expressed feelings of worthlessness, such as being a burden or a bother.
It is important these feelings. Being around with people like friends and family can definitely give support and security older adults are looking for. To achieve healthy aging, it is important to have close relationships with others and participate in regular activities that give meaning and excitement to life. Try visiting friends, volunteering, maintaining some form of physical activity and increasing leisure time.
Aging is inevitable – it happens to everybody. But healthy aging is something you should and can do to embrace life to the fullest and show your next generation relatives how loving life should be done.
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